
Tourists traveling from Kottayam to Ayyampara Hills cover a distance of 43 kilometers. The prime attraction of Ayyampara is the rocky area, which occupies nearly 100 acres of the region.
This natural granite stadium of Ayyampara is worth visiting. The magnificent view of the town below can be enjoyed from this rock stadium of Ayyampara. Also, visitors to Ayyampara can watch the sunset from this flat rock. This place has a mythological importance and is considered
that the Pandavas during their exile lived near this rock. Located 2000 feet above sea level, Ayyampara is a major tourist attraction. The town derived its
name from the Lord Ayyappa temple that is located here. These rocky plains are a favorite destination for adventure lovers. Various trekking expeditions are available. The trekking routes
from Kottayam to Ayyampara involves a wide spectrum of scenic treasures that are spread all
over the place. A remote location Ayyampara has till date maintained its rustic look. This is one
of the main reasons why more and more tourists plan to go to Ayyampara to unravel its
unexplored natural splendors.

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